Event Phone: +972-275-9545
USA – Dallas – ‘FREE EVENT’ for ALLs Muslims
[ 100s PEOPLE EXPECTED TO ATTEND, SPACES AVAILABLE FOR BOTH MALE AND FEMALE! JUST TURN UP! @1pm for registration, at the Westin Dallas Fort Worth Airport Hotel, 4545 W John Carpenter Fwy, Irving, Dallas, TX 75063 – CALL/TEL: 9722759545 ]
With up to few hundred and more people expected to attend from all over the country, continent and globe! The ALL Muslim Marriage Event is open to ALL MUSLIMs irrespective of status, background be it race, level of faith, tribe, village, citizenship, clan, profession, political views, height, body size, car, pets – ALL WELCOME!
Chaperones/family members welcome and not required to register but turn up with participant on the day.
To find out more call +972-275-9545
USA - Dallas - 'FREE EVENT' for ALLs Muslims
12th May 2018
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Venue: The Westin Dallas Fort Worth Aiport Hotel, 4545 W John Carpenter Fwy, Irving, TX 75063